

GoAnywhere Interactive Demo

If your organization spends too much time scripting or formulating workflows for your file transfer processes or when integrating form data into those processes, Fortra’s GoAnywhere MFT can add simplicity and security to both of these tasks. Take a look at the Advanced Workflow and Secure Forms features in GoAnywhere when you view this interactive tour.

Taking File Transfer Security to Another Level

As companies move to adopt zero trust architecture, securing files and the confidential information they contain is top of mind, especially as sharing data has never been easier. Read our white paper, which covers: How to secure sensitive files and streamline the file transfer process How to protect transferred files wherever they may travel Industry-specific challenges in...

Upgrade Process

Get a walkthrough of the upgrade process in this tutorial.

How to Set Up a SharePoint Cloud Connector

GoAnywhere has over 35 Cloud Connectors available on the GoAnywhere Marketplace, ready for installation today. This lesson will walk through the process of installing the SharePoint Cloud Connector and how to use it within a workflow. Installing the Cloud Connector ...

Scheduling Automated Workflows

GoAnywhere makes it easy to set up Projects with many types of Tasks and allowing files to be encrypted, compressed, moved, and more. It also offers a built-in Scheduler to easily run these Projects by the minute, hour, day of the week, and more. Creating a Holiday Calendar ...

How to Modify RowSet Data

GoAnywhere makes it easy to modify data by adding or removing columns, updating information, or dividing one column into multiple. This can all be accomplished with the Modify RowSet Task. Let’s start off with an example on adjusting generic column names. This demonstration will also split column 4, “fullname,” which contains both a first and a last name in one field. The goal...

How to Implement RSA SecurID via RADIUS with GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer

Fortra is an RSA® Ready certified partner and has integrated RADIUS and RSA SecurID© within GoAnywhere MFT. Organizations already using RSA Authentication protocols can now easily implement RSA SecurID as a login method to be used by Admin Users, Web Users or as a second login step for Web Users in GoAnywhere MFT. ...

Encryption & Decryption Within a Workflow

This guide will walk through the process of a Project (workflow) that encrypts and decrypts a set of files. Typically, these are not actions that would be done in the same Project, but for the sake of this demonstration, both encryption and decryption will be done in one Project. Getting Started...


Obtain a quick introduction into the tool Docker.

Configuring Web User Accounts to Receive AS2 Messages

In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure Web User accounts in GoAnywhere MFT to send you messages using AS2. Once you have configured the AS2 Service, you’re ready to configure your AS2 trading partner Web User accounts. Each AS2 trading partner must be setup as a Web User in GoAnywhere. In order to provide AS2 file transfer services with your trading partners, you...

Automating Project Workflows

Learn the three fastest ways to automate Project workflows in GoAnywhere MFT using Schedules, Monitors and Triggers.

How Secure Forms Work

Secure Forms allow end users to fill out customized forms with one or more input values and optionally upload files. Users can access Secure Forms through the HTTPS Web Client in GoAnywhere or submit forms by making SOAP or REST requests from custom-built applications. When a form is submitted, a Project in GoAnywhere is executed to automatically process the submitted values...

Activating a Trial License

Learn how to easily download and activate a GoAnywhere MFT Trial License with the on-screen tutorial provided for you and unlock all of the functionality GoAnywhere MFT has to offer.

Why Automating Encryption and Decryption Makes Good Cybersecurity Sense

Not every message or piece of data is for everyone’s eyes. That’s the basic premise of why organizations need encryption. But how does it work? Do you need different types of encryption for different situations? Can encryption be integrated with your existing business technologies? Our guide, Why Automating Encryption and Decryption Makes Good Cybersecurity Sense, offers a...

The GoAnywhere Book of Secure File Transfer Project Examples

IT and cybersecurity teams frequently envision, create, and implement innovative uses for their secure file transfer software. These unique applications allow them to solve critical industry and organizational needs without using a secondary solution or tool! In "The GoAnywhere Book of Secure File Transfer Project Examples," you'll discover countless ways your peers use MFT in...

How to Comply with PCI Data Security Standards

If you work for any organization that processes credit or debit cards, then you must achieve and maintain PCI DSS compliance. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a proprietary information security standard for organizations that process credit or debit cards. The standard is a moving target as it is frequently updated to address new security threats or...

6 Users to Put on Your Security Watch List

Most IT teams have processes in place to deal with security threats like malware, spam emails, and brute-force attacks. But while these processes provide relief of mind and protection from external data breaches, it’s not always outside hackers you have to worry about. Sometimes, security threats come from the inside. In this ebook, we cover six user types that you should put...

The Role MFT Plays in Vendor Management

Anytime you're working with vendors and other third parties, you open the door to potential threats to the security of the information you exchange, even when working with an established relationship. Take a few minutes to learn more about securing your critical and valuable customer information and other data with a robust managed file transfer (MFT) solution. Discover how...

No Such Thing as Free File Transfer: Maximizing ROI with a Managed File Transfer Solution

There are endless ways to move a file, such as free FTP tools, file sharing apps, or email attachments. These basic solutions are tempting due to being seemingly inexpensive, but they come with risks. Research shows that most “free” file transfers actually cost your organization money. So how do you choose the file transfer solution that will provide the best ROI? The right...